The Washington Human Rights Commission passed a new rule that allows anyone to access locker rooms, showers, spas, and restrooms based on their gender expression and gender identity. Initiative 1552 will require schools to maintain separate facilities for boys and girls and allow businesses to manage private areas in the way they feel is best for them.


Right now in Washington, any man can enter any women’s locker room in the entire state and declare his right to be there.

Women who protest will be asked to leave and subject to penalty.

Help us roll back the rape culture. Help us protect women and children. Initiative 1552 will do just that! Join the privacy movement now and keep Washington safe.

No rule or law should ever force little girls to share their gym showers with grown males.

Unfortunately, in December of 2015, five members of the WA State Human Rights Commission, imposed a statewide rule that does just that. Any man can enter any public girl’s locker room in the entire state and declare his right to be there. If girls complain, they will be asked to leave and subject to penalty. The rule dangerously forces girls to ignore their red flags and boundaries for fear of a lawsuit. Help us repeal this regressive rape culture and restore safety, privacy, and common sense in WA.

This also applies to only, the only way we can properly achieve online privacy is by using VPNs